Trezor Wallet

If your device is compromised by malware, the addresses could be swapped. Trezor devices display the address on their screen for this purpose.

While we are at it, avoid storing your recovery phrase digitally. It might be tempting to take a photo of your recovery phrase or store it in a digital document. This exposes you to unnecessary risks. If your device is compromised, hackers could gain access to your recovery phrase.

  • Using public Wi-Fi for transactions: Public Wi-Fi networks can be insecure. Avoid accessing your wallet or making transactions when connected to public networks.

  • Neglecting physical security: While digital security is vital, never overlook physical security. Keep your Trezor wallet and recovery seed in a secure location.

  • Falling for phishing attempts: Be vigilant about emails or messages asking for your personal information or wallet details. Always verify the source before responding.

  • Don’t care where you buy your hardware wallet from: It matters. At Trezor, we do not recommend buying a Trezor hardware wallet from an unauthorized third party. If your device was purchased from the official Trezor Shop, Amazon storefront, or an authorized reseller, it is most likely safe to use.

(Here are some handy tips that can help you shed the naughty tag when it comes to device safety.)

Last updated